About Me

I’m Elizabeth :)


That’s me. Although that was a few years ago…

This is me now.


Yea, I just cut all of my hair off :) but I donated it, so its cool!

And I never would have gotten all of that gorgeous hair if it weren’t for these two kooks!


…oohh…my mom definitely won’t approve of this picture…

….lets try….this!


That’s my dad, the dentist, and my mom with her new husband, Dan!

They all live back home…


…IN TEXAS! Yes, I am your typical Texan. Kinda loud and very proud!

This is my brother and sister, John and Sarah.


Those were from the 90s. This is how they look now!


I did a lot of things growing up. Sports, music, trouble etc. But the decision I made that changed my life the most was joining the US Navy.


That’s the day I graduated boot camp. My mom was so proud!

I didn’t realize at the time, but the Navy would not be a lifetime career for me.

However, it did lead me to the best thing that has ever happened in my life.


His name is Tyler and he is my husband and best friend!

That’s the first picture we ever took together. I absolutely hated it, but didn’t want to let him know just how picky I am about pictures of me…

…he knows now!

We dated for 9 months, and the week I was discharged we got married!


We got legally married first. Typical Navy life put us in quite the rush. In Spotslynvania, VA outside the courthouse :) it was actually pretty perfect.

Then we had a ceremony just a few short weeks later. I really wanted my mom to be there, and I wanted to wear a pretty dress!


It was just a simple ceremony in the chapel on the naval base in Dahlgren, VA. The most expensive thing was my dress, and that cost…well…next to nothing.


Soon after we got married, we had babies!

NO NO NO not those kinds of babies! FUR babies!


Rosie (left) and Toby (right)

Rosie is our little trifecta – she was only born with 3 legs and is quite the daddy’s girl!

Toby is my mama’s boy and acts more like a dog and NEVER lets me have my entire pillow at night.


This is them now :) All grown up! They are 2 years old.

Tyler is still in the Navy (that’s how we met) and is stationed on the USS Stout DDG 55 in Norfolk, VA


I go to Old Dominion University in Norfolk. In fact, ODU and the naval base are 5 miles away from each other! Unfortunately, when there is traffic, it can take as long as 30 minutes (or more) to travel that far…


I’m going to school to be a high school English teacher (English Education major and Psychology minor). Unfortunately I have 2 more years until I’m done :(

When we aren’t too busy, we like to go down to the beach and dirt bike track in North Carolina.


Tyler is way better than me.

WELL I don’t have much else to say! Enjoy my blogs and have a wonderful day!

11 responses to “About Me

  1. Pingback: Trophy closet … | MindBlur·

  2. Seven (7) Awards in one Award
    Please accept these Seven (7) Awards.
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    The rules are as the same on my page, A-Z About yourself.
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    I hope you can accept this fun award.

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